Once upon a time...
In a land far far away from where we are right now, there lived a little boy and girl who thought they knew everything there was to know.
They were not very tall, but they weren’t very short either. As a matter of fact, their legs touched the ground and that made them feel just right.
One day, when they were feeling especially good about themselves, they wandered into a stand of trees they’d never explored before.
It smelled good in these trees. All green and woodsy. They could hear little birds chirping happily above them in the trees; and, once in awhile, they could hear the sound of a babbling brook off in the distance somewhere.
Then a bear attacked them and they died horribly and slowly.
The last thing they remembered was their Mommy’s words: “Never go into the woods. The bear will eat you.”
I guess they didn’t know everything after all, did they?
In a land far far away from where we are right now, there lived a little boy and girl who thought they knew everything there was to know.
They were not very tall, but they weren’t very short either. As a matter of fact, their legs touched the ground and that made them feel just right.
One day, when they were feeling especially good about themselves, they wandered into a stand of trees they’d never explored before.
It smelled good in these trees. All green and woodsy. They could hear little birds chirping happily above them in the trees; and, once in awhile, they could hear the sound of a babbling brook off in the distance somewhere.
Then a bear attacked them and they died horribly and slowly.
The last thing they remembered was their Mommy’s words: “Never go into the woods. The bear will eat you.”
I guess they didn’t know everything after all, did they?